Does my baby need a vitamin D supplement?
It depends on whether you breastfeed your baby or how much vitamin D-fortified formula or cow's milk your baby is drinking. Consider these guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics for vitamin D for babies: Breastfed or partially breastfed babies need 400 international units (IU) of liquid vitamin D a day starting soon after birth. Babies should continue to receive this amount of vitamin D until weaned or until they drink 32 ounces (about 1 liter) a day of vitamin D-fortified
5th May 2023
Nutritional Needs of Babies: the First 12 Months
For their first six months or so, babies get all the nutrients they need to thrive from breast milk and/or formula. Considering how dizzying those early days are, it’s a big relief knowing that — at least when it comes to feeding your baby — you’re pretty much covered.But that’s exactly why making the transition to solids can feel so daunting. Although breast milk and/or formula will continue to be the main sources of your child’s nutrition through the first 12 months, you’ll gradually be servin
8th Feb 2023
Is This Normal: Why Do Rabbits Binky?
Rabbits express their emotions differently than other pets do. They don’t bark to get your attention...
8th Feb 2023
Good Toys for Young Children by Age and Stage
Today's toy stores offer thousands of products from which to choose, and that's just in the newborn and infant aisles. Unless you want to turn your home into a toy store, you need some criteria to help narrow the field. Here's what to look forAge-appropriateness
Your baby will get the most enjoyment out of a toy only if he can use it. An age-appropriate toy encourages or challenges your baby to use and improve one or more developing skills. This consideration becomes increasingly important
8th Dec 2022